Pet Food
Eat Issue 14: Pets

This article was originally published in May 2003.
super dog

Mikael Nilsson, 29, is a full-time dog groomer and owner of ten miniature, dwarf and toy poodles. He trained and handled the 2002 Crufts Best in Show winner – a standard poodle called King.
It’s more like an obsession than anything. Poodles are my ideal breed because they’re happy, easy to train, active dogs and are fun to be around. And, of course, I think they are beautiful. Clipping, bathing, fluff-drying and scissoring them can take up to four hours, but I enjoy the grooming. Poodles are great fun if you want to show a dog because they’re like clowns and enjoy performing, but going to a show requires a lot of preparation and work beforehand. It takes many hours to groom them and you also have to prepare the dog mentally. I wouldn’t go to a show if I didn’t think I had the chance of winning, but it’s not the end of the world if a puppy doesn’t turn out to be a super show dog. That happens to a lot of dogs that look very promising, and then they go wrong. Crufts is the biggest thing you can win in the world and, when we went there to show King, I knew his quality, but you can never expect to win a show like that. It’s unbelievable when the judge actually comes up to you and points to you as the winner.
dog dinner

Han Young-Ae was born in Chonam, South Korea. For 23 years she has been serving customers at her Gol Mok Jip eatery, where the most popular dish is geon-pol – dog meat hotpot. Regular customers come from as far away as Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
The secret to cooking dog is to get the meat nice and tender while minimising that unique dog meat smell. You need to simmer it for a long time and make sure the temperature’s just right. Judging the temperature is a matter of experience, but you can tell from the colour of the meat as it simmers. I like to cook the meat with homemade jang (miso paste) made from locally grown beans. My mother taught me to make tan, a dish of dog meat and juices stewed together with vegetables, and I haven’t changed the recipe for 23 years. But if you want the real taste of the meat, you should try Korean favourites like the steamed dish soo-yuk, or geon-pol – a hotpot of dog simmered with sesame leaves and vegetables. These are usually eaten with a dipping sauce made of rice vinegar, chili, soy sauce and sesame. Dog meat is rich in unsaturated fat and easy to digest. According to traditional Korean medicine, it’s a ‘cold’ food good for overcoming summer heat exhaustion. It’s also said to help convalescents after operations, and it’s recommended when recovering from burns. Some animal lovers object to eating dog, but we don’t cook ‘pets;’ we use special food breeds raised for their meat. Some people might have different social or cultural views, but eating dog meat is an authentic Korean tradition that goes back hundreds of years. That’s why I take pride in cooking it.
title horse

Sheikha Latifa Ahmed Al Maktoum is the 17-year-old niece of the Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Maktoum. She lives with her parents and brother in a royal palace in Dubai, and divides her time between study and riding.
I’ve been riding as long as I can remember, but I was 11 when I got my first horse, Hudson. He’s German, but I’m convinced he’s got Arabian blood – it’s in his face and the way he holds his neck, he’s very proud. I have four geldings now (stallions are too hard to control, mares have mood swings), and they’re all individuals. Hudson likes to show he’s boss – he’ll kick and bite other horses! My Argentine pony, Envideoso, is a bit crazy and nervous, but very smart. He won’t let anyone else ride him, but he’s very steady with me. My two jumping horses are Living Star, a steady German, and Covers Pride, an Irish grey, who’s much more temperamental. We didn’t get on at first – he even trod on my ankle and hurt me quite badly – but we have a good relationship now. I learnt to make sure he’s getting what he needs, and not to punish him. He’s a big baby really, but he’ll go far. I jump most weekends. I’ve won prizes in international competitions. I enjoy jumping for the challenge and the atmosphere – the horses feel the energy too, some even show off to each other. Horses never bore me; you can plan, but there’s always a surprise. I don’t really have a favourite – I love all four, they’re my life and I would miss everything about them if I had to stop.
horse bite

Toshio Kozuma is the head chef at Kojimaya, one of Tokyo’s few specialist horsemeat restaurants. Kozuma, like all his staff and the meat they serve, hails from Kumamoto.
You’ll find horsemeat in any supermarket in Kumamoto Prefecture. That’s where 80 percent of Japan’s horsemeat comes from, and the area is said to get through more horsemeat than beef. It’s high in protein, low calorie and low in fat – in fact, it only has one-tenth the fat content of beef, and one-fifth that of pork, so it really is a healthy meat. It’s also rich in iron and minerals, so it oxidizes easily and turns a light pink colour as soon as you take it out of the fridge. That’s why we call it cherry blossom meat. They eat horse in France and Italy, but they eat the lean cuts over there so it wouldn’t make good sashimi – you need the fat to soften it up. Raw horsemeat is particularly easy to eat. Even marbled horsemeat has a light, fresh taste. If you had a double helping of beef it would sit really heavily on your stomach, but you’d have no problem with horsemeat. You can gauge the quality of the meat from the colour of both the flesh and fat, and how firm it is. Unlike pork, horsemeat shouldn’t be left to age, and all refrigerated meat dries out and loses its flavour. However, because the flesh starts to soften as soon as it’s butchered, it’s best to refrigerate it for a day before tucking in.
august ant

Randy Morgan is the curator of Cincinnati Zoo’s Insectarium – a 25-year-old institution which pioneered insect display in North America. A graduate of entomology, Morgan is considered a leading expert on ant husbandry and discovered a new breed of ant – the one inch long ‘dinosaur ant’ – in Peru’s rainforest.
I was born interested in ants. My earliest memories have to do with ants – putting them in a jar and taking them home and showing them to Mom. I just thought they were great. Whether it be pollination, soil creation or decomposition, they literally make life possible on planet earth for higher plants and animals – including humans. They’re the little creatures that really make everything happen. I think that alone means people should try to appreciate these animals. They are vital to our existence – but that aside, they are still very, very cool. It’s probably more fun for me to feed my ant colony than it is for me to feed my dog. When I give my dog his bowl of food he just gobbles it up and it’s gone in ten seconds, but we give the ants a fresh frozen cricket or a mealworm and it’s great to watch them find it and co-operate to get it back into the nest, carve it up into little pieces and feed the larvae. It’s just a real interesting phenomenon to see these little insects working so efficiently as teams of organisms. I’ve tried to go bird–watching with my wife and it’s just a conflict of interests. I can’t look up for birds because I’m too busy looking down – looking for interesting insects or ants or whatever I encounter.
ant eater

Nicole-Anne Gagnon is a Montreal-based chef and graduate of the city’s prestigious L’institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie. Once a year she cooks at the Montreal Insectarium’s Croque Insectes – a free tasting event featuring dishes made from crickets, silkworm chrysalids, bee larvae and ants.
I started off rolling ants into sushi – like maki. Then I made a banana, honey and orange smoothie with ants inside. That was quite popular. We import our ants from China. They’re very convenient to use because they come cleaned and desiccated. They look like caviar. All I have to do is integrate them into my food preparation. Ants are very dry and acidic – you really use them as seasoning. They contain a lot of formic acid so when you bite them you feel a kind of acid crush. I did a coconut macaroon with ants that was popular because the sweetness and smoothness of coconuts is reversed by the little acid touch of ants. It’s a myth that people eat insects because they’ve nothing else to eat. A lot of insects are very, very expensive. In Mexico they eat ant eggs which are more expensive than caviar; and they’re delicious. I heard that Hirohito was eating ants at the end of his life. Insects aren’t disgusting if you compare them to a lot of food that we enjoy. Shrimp and lobsters clean the ocean, and we love them. But many of the insects we eat are vegan, so in a way they’re cleaner. It’s really cultural. In China they make wine with ants and use them for seasoning. Actually they eat them so much that one species is in danger of extinction.
stool pigeon

Shigeki Uda runs Naramachi Bunko, a second-hand bookshop in Nara, and also publishes the seasonal magazine, Burari Naramachi (Nara Ambler.)
Late last summer, walking near my office, I saw a little black pigeon by the side of the road. I figured this tiny chick, still covered with a furry down, must have fallen out of its nest. When I tried to catch it, the bird wobbled awkwardly, so I took it back to work with me. That day I pretended to go out on business and went to buy some chick feed. By evening he’d gotten a little life back in him, so I took him home with me. I let the pigeon loose in my house. It’s a pain to have to clean droppings off the tatami, but I’d hate to put him in a cage. At first he couldn’t fly, so he would just walk around inside the house, but now if I leave the window open he sometimes strolls around outside. He never goes out of earshot, though, and he always comes back if I call out ‘Piko.’ Given his mood swings, I think of Piko as quite childlike. At first, he would fawn on me, like I was his parent, but he’s become more independent as he’s grown and he’s developed a fighting spirit. The interesting thing is, he’s really aware of my mood. If I’m cranky, he either reacts warmly or provokes me so much that I get really furious. When I’m sitting at the kotatsu table watching TV, he also relaxes. At night he sleeps on my futon. Even at the dinner table, he always comes to taste whatever people are eating. Of course, if it’s chicken, I feel kind of guilty.
pigeon feed

One of Britain’s leading chefs and restaurateurs, Raymond Blanc’s French roots did not prevent him being chosen to represent Great Britain in the grand final of the 2002 World Culinary Masters competition. His industry peers have voted him “most influential chef” three times in the last four years.
I think pigeon is the best poultry you can eat anywhere. Pigeon’s very low calorie – healthier than most meat. It’s tasty, it’s tender, it’s wholesome, and it’s rich. There’s a richness about the flavour which no other poultry has, neither duck nor chicken nor guinea fowl, so it’s my favourite poultry. When you’re given such a fantastic ingredient like pigeon it’s such a joy because you have the very, very best. The squab has been on the menu (at Le Manoir aux Quat’ Saisons) for a number of years in different guises. My signature dish effectively is a squab cooked in a salt crust. The squab is seared to melt down the fat outside, and then it’s wrapped into salt pastry – completely crafted, completely sculptured. The salt crust has got a tremendous role to play, because it completely wraps up the pigeon, so there’s a slow build up of heat inside – unlike roasting where it’s a very strong heat and the muscle structure gets very tense. The easiest way to ruin squab is too much heat. Too much heat for too long and, of course, you slaughter it. It’s very, very difficult (to identify a quality pigeon). First of all, the beak and feet should be very tender and pliable. That means the squab is no more than three months old. It should have a nice plump breast and a slightly yellow skin, which means it has been fed a mixture of cereal, corn and a little bit of rice. And when the pigeon is about 500 grams you have something rather special.
Survival of the bravest: Dogs and horses are spared the knife in much of the world, largely because they are considered loyal, brave and hard-working animals compared to lazy, self-centred beasts such as pigs and sheep.
Survival of the floppy-eared: There is a donkey sanctuary in Devon, England which receives an average £13million a year in donations.
Survival of the fluffiest? When Glenn Close boils the bunny in Fatal Attraction we are left in no doubt as to the extent of her evilness. In The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, the heroes see no such wickedness in chewing rabbit meat – the only question is ‘cooked or raw.’
Is it easier to eat a leg of lamb than a lamb’s leg?
Doves and pigeons – essentially the same animal – have very different fortunes; one is the international symbol of peace, while the other is served as a salt-crusted delicacy in France, Britain and Scandinavia. Ever eaten dove pie?
Text: Kate Crockett, Mark Rossiter, Seong Hun Baek, Shelagh Martin and the Eat team